Moroccan Basket

By Tamara Kelly, Moogly Blog

Moroccan Basket
Moroccan Basket

The Moroccan Basket brings back one of my favorites — the Moroccan Tile Stitch — and pairs it with chunky yarn in a handy and attractive basket that works up fast! The basket is lined with another layer of crochet, making it even more useful and sturdy. And I think it looks better for it too!

Liner: (make this portion first, with Color B)

Moroccan Basket with liner
Moroccan Basket

Round 1: Make a magic circle, ch 2 (does not count as a st), dc 12 in the ring; join to work in the round. (12 sts)

Round 2: Ch 2, 2dc in each st around; join. (24 sts)

Round 3: Ch 2, dc in the first st, 2 dc in the next st, *dc in the next st, 2 dc in the next st; repeat from *, join. (36 sts)

Round 4: Ch 2, 2 dc in the first st, dc in the next 2 sts, *2 dc in the next st, dc in the next 2 sts; repeat from *, join. (48 sts)

Round 5: Ch 2. dc in the next 3 sts, 2 dc in the next st, *dc in the next 3 sts, 2 dc in the next st; repeat from *, join. (60 sts)

Round 6: Ch 2, 2 dc in the first st, dc in the next 4 sts, *2 dc in the next st, dc in the next 4 sts; repeat from *, join. (72 sts)

Round 7 — 14: Ch 2, dc in each st around, join. (72 sts) After Round 14, break yarn and finish off. Turn this bowl Wrong Side out, so that the Right Side will face up when inserted in the Outer.

Outer: (make this portion second, then add the liner when instructed)

Round 1: With Color A, make a magic circle, ch 2 (does not count as a st), dc 12 in the ring; join to work in the round. (12 sts)

Round 2: Ch 2, 2dc in each st around; join. (24 sts)

Round 3: Ch 2, dc in the first st, 2 dc in the next st, *dc in the next st, 2 dc in the next st; repeat from *, join. (36 sts)

Round 4: Ch 2, 2 dc in the first st, dc in the next 2 sts, *2 dc in the next st, dc in the next 2 sts; repeat from *, join. (48 sts)

Round 5: Ch 2. dc in the next 3 sts, 2 dc in the next st, *dc in the next 3 sts, 2 dc in the next st; repeat from *, join. (60 sts)

Round 6: Ch 2, 2 dc in the first st, dc in the next 4 sts, *2 dc in the next st, dc in the next 4 sts; repeat from *, join. (72 sts)

Round 7: (CLICK HERE for a video tutorial for this round) Ch 2, dc in next st (counts as dc2tog), ch 1, dc2tog in same st as 2nd half of previous st and next st, *dc2tog in next 2 sts, ch 1, dc2tog in same st as 2nd half of previous st and next st; repeat from *, join to top of 1st dc2tog, pull up loop and remove hook. (24 ch-1 sps)

Round 8: With Color B, join with sl st and ch 4 in 1st ch-1 sp of previous round, dc in the same ch sp (V st made), *(dc, ch 1, dc) in next ch-1 sp; repeat from * to end, pull active loop and working yarn of Color A to front of fabric, then join to top of ch 3, remove hook from loop, pull up loop and remove hook. (24 ch-1 sps)

Round 9: Replace hook in active loop of Color A, ch 4, dc between first and last V of the row before the previous round (NOT in the ch sp, but between the dc2tog sts), *(dc, ch 1, dc) in the next sp between dc2tog sts of round before the previous round, enclosing previous round; repeat from *, leave working yarn and active loop of Color B behind fabric, join to top of ch 3, remove hook from loop, pull up loop and remove hook. (24 ch-1 sps)

Round 10: Insert hook in the ch sp of the first V st of the previous round, replace hook in active loop of Color B and pull it through the V to the front, leaving working yarn behind, ch 4, dc in the ch sp of that first V, *(dc, ch 1, dc) in next ch-1 sp; repeat from *, pull active loop and working yarn of Color A to front of fabric, then join to top of ch 3, remove hook from loop, pull up loop and remove hook. (24 ch-1 sps)

Round 11: Replace hook in active loop of Color A, ch 4, dc between first and last V of the row before the previous round (NOT in the ch sp, but between the Vs), *(dc, ch 1, dc) in the next sp between V sts of round before the previous round, enclosing previous round; repeat from *, leave working yarn and active loop of Color B behind fabric, join to top of ch 3, remove hook from loop, pull up loop and remove hook. (24 ch-1 sps)

Round 12: Repeat Round 10.

Round 13 — 18: Repeat Rounds 11 — 12. Break Color B after Round 18.

Round 19: Repeat Round 11.

Round 20: Insert Liner into basket, Wrong Sides together. Continuing with Color A and working through both Outer and Liner in each st, ch 1, *sc in next dc (and next st of liner), sc in ch-1 sp (and next st of liner), sc in next dc (and next st of liner); repeat from *, join. (72 sts)

Round 21: Ch 1, sc in next 5 sts, ch 10, skip 10 sts, sc in next 26 sts, ch 10, skip 10 sts, sc in last 21 sts; join. (52 sc, 20 ch)

Round 22: Ch 1, sc in each st and ch around; join. (72 sts)

Round 23 — 24: Ch 1, sc in each st around; join. After Round 24, break yarn and finish off. (72 sts)

And that’s it! The liner adds a solid interior so the basket isn’t see through at all, as well as making it sit up pretty. And the handles are just the right side for carrying it wherever you need it to be! I hope you enjoy this free crochet basket pattern!