Bath Mat with Baby Bobble Stitch

Original, by Pat Tyler

Baby Bobble Rug
Green Baby Bobble Rug
(flairred border to be replaced)

Stitches Used

Chain Stitch (ch):

ch chain stitch
Make a slip knot, then yarn over the hook and pull it through the loop on the hook.

Double Crochet (hdc):

dc Double Crochet
Yo, insert hook in st, yo and draw yarn through 2 loops, yo and draw yarn through 2 loops.

Half Double Crochet (hdc):

hdc Half Double Crochet
Yo, insert hook in st, yo and draw yarn through 1 loop, (3 loops on hook), yo and draw yarn through 3 loops.

Single Crochet Stitch sc:

sc single crochet
  1. Insert your hook into center of your next working chain. Grab yarn (known as a yarn over) and draw through the chain stitch and up onto the hook so that you have two loops on your hook.
  2. Using your hook, grab yarn and draw it through both loops on your hook, leaving just one loop on your hook. You've made one single crochet stitch.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as many times as your pattern calls for.

Slip Stitch (sl st):

sl st slip stitch
Insert hook into a foundation stitch, yo, pull thread through both loops.
Green center portion of the rug.


  • Corners: In the stitch that is at the corner execute 1 stitch of the round (sc or hdc) 2 ch, and another sc or hdc, all in the same stitch of the previous round. Then proceed to work the next side of the mat.
  • Tip 1: There will be a lot of color changes in the border. At the end of each color, cut the yarn leaving an end of 4" or so. Use crochet hook to weave the end into the neighboring stitches. Then when stitching in this area on the next round, include the end with the stitches of the previous round to hide it and protect from unraveling.
  • Tip 2: Start with a new color several inches from the position of the ending of the previous color. These beginnings and endings with then will be unnoticed.