Alphabet Squares or Blocks

Alphabet Blocks
Alphabet Blocks

Pattern Information:

Skill Level: Intermediate


Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver
    (Worsted Weight (#4) 100% acrylic,
    7 oz/198g — 364 yds/333m) —
    MC = Aran, CC = Coffee.
Crochet Hook: G 4.00mm

Gauge: 12 sts and 14 Rows = 3 inches.
Finished Size: 5" by 5"


MC = Main Color = Aran
CC = Contrasting Color = Coffee
Ch/Chs = Chain/Chains
Sc = Single Crochet
St/Sts = Stitch/Stitches


Pattern Instructions:

With MC, Ch 21.

Row 1: Working into back bumps, sc in 2nd ch from hook and into each ch across. [20 sts]

Rows 2-23: Ch 1, sc in each st across following the chart below in regards to color changes.

Fasten Off at last Rnd.

Optional: With CC, surface crochet along the edge of the letter for a neater appearance.