Odd Forked Cluster Stitch

Odd Forked Cluster Stitch
Odd Forked Cluster Stitch

Skill Level Row Count Pattern Repeat
Intermediate 1 Any Number + 2


    Foundation Chain: Any number of sts + 2.
  1. Row 1: Skip 2ch (count as 1hdc), 1OFC inserting hook first into 3rd then 4th ch from hook, *1OFC inserting hook first into same ch as previous OFC then into next ch; rep from * until 1ch remains, 1hdc into last ch, turn.
  2. Row 2: 2ch (count as 1hdc), 1OFC inserting hook into 1st st then into next st, *1OFC inserting hook into sae st as previous OFC then into next st; rep from * ending 1hdc into top of tch, turn.
  3. Repeat row 2 until you have reached your desired length.