by Pat Tyler     

Catfish Charlie and Cooper
Catfish Charlie with his lab Cooper
Catfish Charlie with his lab Cooper
Sitting on stream-side rocks, Charlie reels in a big fish while Cooper and Mallard watch the action.

Catfish Charlie. Teen sitting on a large rock, left foot propped on part of rock, right foot dangling over the water. Holding fishing pole with fish dangling on the line.

Construction Details:
An original design, Charlie is about 8" tall from seat to top of head, excluding hair and hat. Body & Head: Red Heart Fashion Soft, #3, Camel, 2.75mm C hook.
Boots: 3.25mm D, soles: Red Heart Super Saver, #4, Buff, tops: Patrons Hempster #3, Sepia.
Pants: Lion Brand Coboo, #3, Denim, 3.5mm E hook.
Shirt: Caron Simply Soft, Paints, Rainbow Bright, #4, E hook.
Hair: Luxe Craft Buttercream, Angel Hair #5, Color: Pumpkin.
Fishing Pole: bamboo knitting needle, wire, glue, crochet thread & fishing line.

Stream: needlepoint into plastic canvas on cardboard backing. Rocks: plastic containers filled with gravel with crochet covering.
Straw Hat, fish, mallard duck: purchased.

Cooper, Charlie's black lab puppy sitting on nearby rock beside him. He's about 4" tall, sitting. Lion Brand Beautiful You, #2, Meteorite. 2.25 mm B hook. Thanks to Jen Hayes for teaching us how to create realistic looking dogs in a sitting position.

Giuseppi Panetti de Lucca with HeyBear
Guiseppi & HeyBear
Giuseppi & HeyBear
Giuseppi, the Tuscan bread baker makes his rounds selling his freshly baked bread.
He shows off an artisan loaf in his raised palm and carries a basket filled with baguettes and other loaves. HeyBear patiently waits for him while he talks with village customers.

Giuseppi Panetti de Lucca. Tuscan bread baker holding round loaf aloft on left palm, and with basket of baguettes and other loafs hanging from right forearm.

Construction Details:
Giuseppi is an original and about 14" tall excluding hat. Big feet filled with glass sand like Marty Lingo. Popsicle sticks stabelize legs. He will stand alone, but is attached to stand for safety.
Red Heart Fashion Soft, #3, Camel, 2.25mm B hook. Sculpted face, gray bushy eyebrows and mustache.
Apron is of same yarn, but Offwhite color. White shirt is part of the doll. White trowsers with red & green trim on cuffs. Pants were made on the doll (but not part of the doll) then sewn up the sides to close.

HeyBear. Is about 6" tall, sitting brindle dog. Lion Brand Homespun, #5, Sierra, 3.5 mm E hook. Thanks to Jen Hayes for teaching us how to create realistic looking dogs in a sitting position.

Malise the Cherokee Maiden

This is Malise a Cherokee Maiden.
She is the daughter of a very wealthy man in the tribe, and nothing is too good for his daughter. He bought the shells for her when the trader was last in their village.

She was custom made for Ali Valentine as a gift to her daughter.