by Pat Tyler     

Lingo House with Lucy & Marty Lingo in front.
Lingo House with Lucy & Marty Lingo standing in front.
Snowy Owl stands guard on the roof while Dinner watches from the corner.

These dolls stand alone. Their feet are weighted with glass sand.

An up-to-date gal Lucy is 12.5" tall, and wears her abundant brown hair in a pony tail. She wears a multicolored body suit with long sleeves and calf-length leggins. Over that she wears a sleeveless white shirt and short shorts. Her belt matches the body suit. As a topper she wears a purple vest.

Hook: B 2.25mm; Red Heart Fashion Soft #3, Camel; Hair: Caron Simply Soft, Taupe. Long sleeves and tights form arms & legs: Lion Brand Comfy Cotton #3, Flower Garden. White shirt and shorts with belt of Flower Garden.

Marty at 13" in height wears a ball cap over his curly brown hair, dark blue jeans with a long-sleeve light blue sweater with white flecks.

Hook: B 2.25mm; Red Heart Fashion Soft, #3, Camel; Hair: Long sleeves shirt: Lion Brand Tweedle Dee, Curacao. Pants: Caron Simply Soft, Dark Country Blue. Ball cap, dark blue and white.

Casa Lingo: Needlepoint storage box: 10.5 X 13.5 inches. Butter yellow side walls, off white & white windows with varied wall coverings and lace curtains visible through plastic glass panes. Red Heart Super Saver Café Latte & Caron Simply Soft taupe mansard roof. Corner-spanning belts hold Lingo dolls in place. In addition to serving as house guard, Snowy Owl also works as a handle for the lid.
Tour of Lingo House
Left side with Lucy
Left side with Lucy

Right side with Marty
Right side with Marty

Back with Lucy and Marty
Back with Lucy and Marty

Inside with safety belts
Inside with safety belts
