Arleigh's Soft Crochet Blocks

by Pat Tyler

Box Lid with S initial
This is Miss Arleigh Stahala

Box Lid with S initial

This is a hand-made box with a set of soft alphabet and numeral blocks.
I can't believe I let this project get away without taking any pictures of it at all!
Thanks to Mary Stahala for taking these pictures for me. I'm happy to see that it still looks pretty good after her two-year-old daughter Arleigh has played with it for more than a year.

It was a gift for a brand new great granddaughter in November 2017. The set was almost 2-years-old when her mommy took the pictures for me, as I totally forgot to take any pictures of this project before I shipped it to them. Pictured above is the lid and below is the front of the box. At the bottom of the page, the picture is of the open box showing one layer of the foam-filled set of 36 croched alpha-numeric blocks. The box is constructed of plastic canvas, and lined with fabric.

Box Front

Open Box