Instant Mashed Potatoes

(potato, )

Ratio: 3 parts liquid to 2 parts instant potatoes

Instant Mashed Potatoes
Instant Mashed Potatoes

Yield: 3 servings
Prep Time:
Cook Time:
Total Time:


1 C water
¼ tsp salt
1½ Tbsp butter
½ C milk (chicken broth, vegetable stock, or water)
1 C instant potato flakes

  1. Measure water into 1 quart pot on stove top. Stir in salt and butter.
  2. Bring liquid mixture to boil. Turn heat off and stir in the milk or chicken broth.
  3. Stir in instant potato flakes and let stand for 30 seconds. Then stir the mixture well so that the potatoes absorb the liquid.
  4. Note: Potatoes are good with added garlic, rosemary, or other aromatics.